A Patch of Blue

By Brian Mullally

Published: September 10th, 2011

Print retail price: $18.00
ISBN: 978-0-9869528-1-4


Sometimes funny, tearful, serious or all three, these stories give the reader little chance to recover, as they change from contemporary to the historic, love to war, personal to public, offering a potpourri of the author’s work.

Culled from the treasury of Brian Mullally’s collection of short stories, the series includes several award-winning stories.

Literary Reviews

An Insignificant Flower the judge described “as a powerful and moving story, tautly told with a deft attention to small detail.”

The Mother Lover was judged “as an innovative and intriguing story beyond the usual experience of readers, a memorable event with a degree of humour amidst horror that certainly demonstrates the writer’s prowess.”

Mock Turtle Island was voted the winner in the Warren Adler 2008 Humorous Short Story Competition.

The General and the Moon Lady described by the judges at the Writers’ Union of Canada as “competent writing with some wonderful sequences.”

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