Klaus Jakelski

Klaus Jakelski

Klaus Jakelski started writing poetry in high school. He got diverted into photography and enjoyed some real success. Film school tugged on his shirt-sleeves, but academia reigned him in. The young man aspired to Aerospace Engineering, but didn’t have the eye-sight to fly the planes. Somehow he ended up in Biological Sciences.

He graduated from The University of Western Ontario and went on to University of Toronto Medical School. A practising physician since 1979, he’s worked everywhere from the emergency room to the operating room. From the hospital floor to the office floor. Klaus has done his time in administration and on public boards. He has also written columns for a local paper.

He lives with his patient and forgiving wife Cathy and children, Natasha and Nicholas in Sudbury, Ontario, where he still practices the best medicine he knows.

Klaus is an avid sportsman, equally at home on and in the water. An avid hunter, he  haunts McGregor Bay and the North Channel of Georgian Bay with his dogs Asti and Tito. A renaissance man who is equally at home on the streets of his favorite big cities, Toronto, Boston and Berlin, where he regularly annoys waiters.

On a good day Klaus does everything full-bore. Any other day he plans his next move.

Dead Wrong is the embodiment of years of passion for writing. With so much lifetime experience to borrow on, there has to be more.